Tuesday, February 05, 2008

S is for Security

Saturday night I used my new location to the fullest: rode across the Park to the Brooklyn Museum where I met up with Julia, a Canadian friend. The museum does monthly first-Saturday parties which are a lot of fun: nicely mixed crowd and nicely mixed high-brow (Rodin statues) and low-brow (Karaoke) - or should that be the other way around?

Afterwards I rode to Williamsburg, arguably the hip heart but definitely the hipster liver of Brooklyn. Takes about 30 minutes to get there on a bicycle, and that's fast by New York standards. Another friend - Hal - was celebrating his birthday there in a bar done up to look like a fake Hofbrauhaus. We had a good time there, sipping litre-pitches of draft beer. I got talking to the ex-girlfriend of a friend, and she had an interesting story to tell. She studied Marxist literature, and some time ago tried to get a guest lecturer from Italy into the US. His visa was refused, and because she had sponsored the request, she is now marked as a security threat. Each time she flies, her ticket is marked with an S which means she has to be there an hour ahead of other people and get searched thoroughly. It's a permanent mark against her name in some government database.

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