Saturday, May 19, 2007

A Flat Heirarchy

Today, a mail from Eric Schmidt landed in my mailbox. Later, Google hosted its weekly Thank God its Friday meeting, where most of the company gets together, all the Nooglers have to wear a nerdy cap-with-propeller and either one of Larry Page or Sergey Brin is present. This Friday I was lucky: both were there, and Sergey had just gotten married, so the Nooglers stood up together and pelted him with rice. How often do you get to do that to a multi-billionaire?

This meeting was for me an indication of how special the atmosphere at Google really is: it was totally informal, witty, and there is an open mike so anyone with a question can get up and put it directly to the CEO's. And there were lots of trivial ones, along the lines of 'can we reserve a free bicycle?' and joking ones, like 'are we going to license Linux from Microsoft?

Google uses all its own products (GMail, Google Applications) internally. The logo: a dog bowl with all the logos inside.

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